Campus Director's Message

Dr. Chander Mohan
Campus Director
On behalf of Rayat Bahra Group of Institutes, Hoshiarpur, it is my great pleasure in welcoming the new entrants to the programmes of their choice offered through seven Institutes/colleges located in the campus. This year, we admitted students in eight institutions namely Rayat Bahra Institute of Engg. & Nano Technology, Rayat Bahra Institute of Management, Rayat Bahra Institute of Pharmacy, Rayat Bahra College of Nursing, Rayat Bahra College of Education, Rayat Bahra College of Law, Rayat Bahra Institute of Engg. & Nano Technology +2 Wing & Rayat Bahra International School Hoshiarpur.
These Institution offer under graduate courses in Engineering, Management, Computer application, Commerce, Agriculture, Hotel management, Fashion Tech., Pharmacy, Education, Nursing, Law and Post graduate courses leading to M. Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) Master of Business Administration (MBA).
The Engineering, Management and Pharmacy Institutes are affiliated to I K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Nursing to Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Rayat Bahra College of Education and Rayat Bahra College of Law to Punjab University Chandigarh, RBIENT 10+2 wing is affiliated to Punjab School Education Board and Rayat Bahra International School, is affiliated to C.B. S.E pattern.
The Campus presently has on its roles about 3000 students, 120 faculty members with total staff strength of 331. Apart from the curriculum the students are engaged in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and groom in to responsible citizen to serve in various sectors of the nation’s economy.
The institutes/ college have enviable placement records of students in leading organization in the country and many of the students go for higher studies in higher educational level institutions.
I am sure, all the new entrants will enjoy their stay in the campus and make their families and institutes proud by their achievements.